Help your child succeed with our Study Guides and Practice Tests![](/bits2/images/TitleBG2PartRHS.png)
We are publishing Study Guides (books and DVDs) and Practice Tests
to help parents support their children to prepare for exams.
We've had some
excellent feedback from tutors, parents and children involved in reviewing and testing the guides.
Parents are a major factor in their children's learning success.
That's why we want to reach as many parents as possible.
We're also in the process of publishing these guides -
The EasyStreetLearning Verbal Reasoning Study Guide
The EasyStreetLearning Quantative Reasoning Study Guide
We're also developing SATs Test Papers with fully explained solutions and advice -
The EasyStreetLearning Numeracy SATs Key Stage 1 Practice Tests and Model Answers
The EasyStreetLearning Literacy SATs Key Stage 1 Practice Tests and Model Answers
The EasyStreetLearning Numeracy SATs Key Stage 2 Practice Tests and Model Answers
The EasyStreetLearning Literacy SATs Key Stage 2 Practice Tests and Model Answers
We're also developing resources for the new SATs Key Stage 2 'Level 6' Tests (used by schools for more advanced learners), with fully explained solutions and advice -
The EasyStreetLearning Numeracy SATs Key Stage 2 Level 6 Practice Tests and Model Answers
The EasyStreetLearning Literacy SATs Key Stage 2 Level 6 Practice Tests and Model Answers
What makes our study guides better ?![](/bits2/images/TitleBG2PartRHS.png)
We've taken the time to create valuable resources for parents and tutors to use.
They contain much more practical advice and tips than usually found in existing study guides, such as -
Practical activities that will help your child build the skills they need
Our Study Guides come with a DVD - a really effective way for your child to learn
Activities that suit children's different 'Learning Styles'
Excellent Exam Technique specifically for each type of test
The skills your child learns will help them throughout their education
We cover how to deal with the common causes of failure, such as exam nerves
We explain the most effective ways to practice (we call it 'smart practice')
We have fully explained answers for every Practice Test question,
so you won't be left scratching your head or waste time!
Best of all... you don't have to be good at the subject to help your child becuase we guide you!
Sample pages from our 'Non-Verbal Reasoning Study Guide'![](/bits2/images/TitleBG2PartRHS.png)
Take a look at some pages from one of our study guides,
click each page to read (in PDF format) -
Suggested next reading![](/bits2/images/TitleBG2PartRHS.png)