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Find Out Your Child's Prefered 'Learning Style'

What are 'Learning Styles'?

Children learn best when they are presented with information in a way that suits their specific learning preference. Knowing your child's prefered 'Learning Style' helps make the most of any help given to them.

The Learning Style theory says that a 'one size fits all' education won't work for all our children.

These days, Learning Styles are covered in every teacher's training programme. At school teachers do their best to ensure lessons have aspects covering each of the different Learning Styles, so every child has a fair chance they can understand (and enjoy) what is being taught. However, this is not always possible to acheive in a classroom of thirty children.

It makes sense that Learning Styles should also influence the way we help our children at home. It's helpful for us to know what Learning Style suits our children.

There are several Learning Style models, but they all categorise different Learning Styles into a few groups.

Now we will discuss these main Learning Styles (from the 'VAK Model' popular with primary school teachers) -

  • 'Visual learners' - we'll describe them as "Observers",
  • 'Auditory learners' - we'll describe them as "Communicators" and
  • 'Kinaesthetic learners' - we'll describe them as "Doers"

Most children don't fit neatly into one category. Children tend to be a mix of these Learning Styles but with one Learning Style tending to be more prominent than the others.

Being aware of Learning Styles also has another welcome advantage. It gives an easy way to make topics that our children find dull more interesting to them.

Our Learning Tracks exploit the different Learning Styles to develop an enthusiasm for learning in all children. For example, by bringing touch into counting makes numbers a relevant concept to children and by using observation to help children make their stories more exciting.

Now, let's look at each Learning Style in the VAK Model in more detail.

Learning Style 1: "Observers"

These children prefer to observe things then take part in them.

They can easily understand information when presented in the form of pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, books and TV programmes.

'Observers' might not talk the most, but when they do they usually have something interesting to say based on all the observation and knowledge gathering they do.

'Observers' prefer learning by watching and reading.

Learning Style 2: "Communicators"

These children enjoy talking and making sounds and noises. In school, these children might have to be reminded to keep quiet more often than others!

'Communicators' are not shy, they effortlessly make friends and can talk freely with anyone.

'Communicators' prefer learning by listening and speaking.

Learning Style 3: "Doers"

These children prefer to touch and do things, they are more likely to be boys than girls.

'Doers' have good physical skills. They might be great at catching and throwing balls, dancing and making things.

'Doers' enjoy the moving things more than the static things.

'Doers' learn by 'doing' something rather than listening or watching it.

Which Learning Style suits your child?

This is a great way for you learn more about your child as well as having some fun.

Ask your child if they think each of these these statements apply to them and record their answers on the right. They must answer ALL the questions. Don't worry, there are no right or wrong answers!

Help your child answer the questions by discussing their thoughts behind each question but don't influence them. When finished, click then button to find out what Learning Styles suit your child.

1. I can correctly describe seven things about my teacher's appearance
2. I enjoy joining in class discussions during lessons
3. At playtime I love to run around rather than sit and chat
4. I think I would rather watch the school play than be in it
5. I enjoy listening to music and I can sing parts of my favourite songs
6. I'd rather have a go at something than talk about it or watch it
7. I rather watch my teacher demonstrate what we had to do than her explain it
8. I enjoy learning from my teacher when she is explaining things in class
9. I find it really hard to be completely still when I am listening or talking
10. If I get a new toy, I'll read the instructions on how to use it before trying it out
11. I often talk or sing when I am playing by myself at home
12. I really enjoy lessons when we make things
13. I like to write down instructions to help me remember them
14. If I have to memorize something, I need to repeat it out loud to myself
15. At school, I enjoy learning to do new things in P.E.
16. I can understand maps and can use one in a practical situation
17. At school, I can happily talk in front of the whole class if my teacher asks me
18. At the weekend, I'd rather go out and be active then play inside all day
19. One of my favourite things to do is read
20. I can remember least five jokes and enjoy telling them
21. I would enjoy learning a new sport

Our Learning Tracks Have Aspects Of Each Learning Style

When Learning Styles are combined with fun games this becomes a powerful learning tool for parents to use at home.

In this way we make important life skills such as mental maths fun for your child to master.


Children learn best when presented with information in a way that suits their specific Learning Styles. Understanding Learning Styles is useful for helping your child.

At home is an excellent place to help your child in ways that suit them. Our Learning Tracks have different Learning Styles incorporated in them, follow them to help your child succeed.

Learning Style Links, References & Books

"Could Do Better!", a book by Phil Beadle, 'Teacher of the Year' and seen in 'The Unteachables'.

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