2. FREE presentations in schools for parents and optionally children too (London area only).
Our presentations include -
Mental Maths Secrets Revealed and Made Easy (for SATs & GCSE)
Written Calculations Methods Revealed and Made Easy (for SATs & GCSE)
Secrets of Excellent Story Writing Revealed and Made Easy
Advice for Parents Preparing Their Children to Start School
How to Grow Your Child's Abilities by 'Learning Through Play'
Tips for Making the Most of Reading With Your Child
SATs - How Parents Can Help Their Children Succeed
3. FREE Trial of our 'EasyStreetLearning Employee Benefit'
to find out more.
FREE SATs Exam Past Papers and Model Answers
Practicing doing tests should be part of your child's test preparation.
Parents can use our model answers to help their children when they get stuck.
Our model answers have clear explanations and include some notes on the topics needed to answer the question.
FREE SATs Key Stage 2 Maths Exam and Model Answers
Click the Key Stage 2 SATs Exam Papers below get your copy now -
Non-verbal Reasoning tests are a type of intelligence test.
They are used by schools to measure children's ability to learn.
These tests form part of 11 Plus Tests and Cognitive Abilities Tests (commonly known as 'CAT Tests').
One of the areas tested is the ability to think about 3D shapes and how they are constructed.
You can help your child develop this skill by printing the links below and helping them build the shapes.
FREE 3D cube folding animation (non-verbal reasoning)
Visualising things in your mind is a key skill for 'Non-verbal Reasoning' which often forms part of 11 Plus tests.
We help children develop this skill by doing things so they can draw on these memories to help them solve Non-verbal Reasoning problems.
Get your child to watch the video below once a day for a while so they can develop their 3D visualisation ability.
FREE 'EasyStreetLearning Times Tables Learning Plan'
Learning the Times Tables confidently is a major factor for your child's future maths success
and enjoyment.
Sadly, many children use ineffective methods to learn their Times Tables resulting in low motivation and poor skill levels.
Don't let your child be one of them -
help them succeed with our FREE step by step guide, 'The EasyStreetLearning Times Table Learning Plan'.
Our guide is easy to follow, with video clips and interactive practice.
You'll even get automatic emails telling you how they are progressing!
Get a FREE personalised story for your child
Your child's self-esteem and enthusiasm will grow from experiences like seeing their name in print.
That's why we created this FREE personalised story for your child.
The story uses key tips from our 'Secrets for Story Writing'.